Thursday, June 30, 2011

This baby needs a name!

When choosing Elle's name, it was pretty easy. We had a very short list and we both loved the name Elle. Her middle name is Rowan, another one we both loved. This baby is much more difficult for me.

Here is the list for little sister so far:
1.Parker- I really like but I worry it is too masculine with Elle's literally meaning "her". This is DH's top choice. Middle name would be something very feminine like Mae or Emmeline.
2. Molly
3. Lily
4. Halle
5. Lucia
6. Brynn
7. Edie
8. Leighton

Nothing else is jumping out except Emma, but it must be vetoed due to being the most popular name in the world.

I feel like maybe putting this out into the internet world will help me somehow. Any other suggestions?

A few recents of Elle:


  1. I like Brynn because it has the same sweet simplicity that Elle has. All the names are lovely, though, you can't really go wrong with that list!

  2. Oooh I know lots of Lily's and Brynn's. SUCH an adorable name!! Love both of those. No worries about the name, though, it'll come to you! :) We didn't name Bennett until he was born and we just knew he was a Bennett.

  3. Gosh she is so beautiful. Love these shots. I actually like Molly. I think Elle and Molly sounds really good together.

  4. Such beautiful photographs -- I love that dress. Where is it from?

    Personally, I love the name Edie. I think it goes nicely with Elle. I'll also offer up my daughters name, Eva : ) Her name is Eva Lilly.

    - Amber

  5. My top two from your list are Lily and Brynn. Both go great with Elle.

    Kathryn (Kate, Katie)

    Good luck!

  6. I Love Brynn and Lily. I think they both go great with Elle.

    Beautiful shots, your little girl is growing so fast!

  7. Halle is my fave, but you knew that.

  8. i LOVE brynn. i think it would go great with elle. :)

  9. i love these shots - she is so pretty! from your list, i like brynn and edie. i think names with out an "L" in them would be best when paired with elle, but that's personal preference :)

  10. First time commenter, but I vote for Molly. So sweet. But Parker is also a very good choice. I don't think it's too masculine at all! That being said, my 13 month old is a Lily, so i'm partial to that as well! :)

  11. Thanks everyone! I am pretty sure we are going to go with Brynn:) yay!
