Wednesday, July 6, 2011


If you are anything like me, you will probably start imagining what your life as an adult will be as a young child. When I was really young, I thought I could grow up to be a dog...which fell through. Then a surfer, then a professional snowboarder (hey, I came kinda close to that one), and then around 18 I knew all I really wanted was a cosy house, a good husband and kids. Because I was a tomboy, I always pictured myself with one boy. I thought I would make a good boy mom because I know how to skateboard and I play most sports. When we found out you were a girl, I was a tiny bit sad only because I always wanted an older brother. But having you I realized I was mean't to have girls. I am just a girl kinda mom. Now being pregnant with your sister, people ask this annoying question "So, are you going to try for number three to get a boy?" No. We will not being trying for number three unless your dad figures out a way to carry babies in his belly.

Because I seem to get asked this question all the time now, I have become impatient and my response is now that I really have no desire for a boy. Which is true. I know I will be perfectly content to have two girls. I hope you have a great bond like I do with my sister. That you stick up for each other on the playground, hold each other through the hard trials of life, cry at each other's weddings and swoon over each other's babies. That you find love, try new things, have adventures but also that you always have your sister. That I as your mama can teach you how to be good to your little sister, and she good to you.

So heres to new expectations of manicures, shopping trips, girly movie nights, forts, skateboarding (yes, girls can do it too), broken hearts, high heels, daring adventures and mascara. While you may start dreaming of your future life when you are young, leave it open for change, as you may just love what is in store. I love you little.


  1. This is exactly how I feel when I get that ANNOYING question (except y'know... people ask if I "need" the girl). Having two of the same gender really is awesome and your girls are lucky to have such a great "girl mom" :)

  2. She is so cute and I know what you mean I hate that question. I'll barely be 20 in November and I'm already getting this question. Uhm just because I had my daughter young doesn't mean I'm anywhere near ready for #2 yet, come on people I at least want my own house first haha! Although I think 2 girls is good. Sisters normally have really good bonds (of course they will have up and downs like anyone) with each other. I know my sister and I do!

    Oh Jazmyn

  3. Amazing. Babies for everyone are a blessing I must say and mothers always try to go outta the way for their kids. I just came across some amazing applications regarding babies on: Do check it out! Maybe it can help many moms out there. There are apps regarding baby names as well as baby monitoring too! My sister used it too! Do check it out! :)
    Have a great day!!

  4. This post made me tear up. Love the name you chose, cant wait to meet her!!

  5. SHe is too cute! I loved reading this by the way!
    Love your blog!

    In our sea of love
